Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thanksgiving Lunch with Ben

Benjamin's school invited us for Thanksgiving lunch today.  Noah and I had such a blast sitting in the cafeteria with "brother Ben"!  The little boy with Ben is his buddy Trevor.

Noah gave the "mashed potatoes" a try but ended up having a sandwich when we got home.  Cafeteria food is still cafeteria food!

Prior to leaving for lunch we had to line up.  Ben is such an amazing listener, i know, i know - a parent is a little biased.  Noah walked in line with Ben and a better than some of the pre-k'ers!!!

Leaves, oh wonderful leaves!!

Playing in the leaves with "our Tom"!Noah at first just liked to toss the leaves around with his stick.

Benjamin and Tom loved the leaves, we could not get the pile big enough.

Tom and Ben finally got Noah into the action.

I cannot begin to tell you how we have enjoyed this cool weather!!  Maybe I really do have yankee blood...the boys and I have been walking everyday after school and the cool air is just so invigorating this year!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Stone Mountain Adventure

We had a good time this weekend hanging out and eventually made it out to Stone Mountain on Sunday.  The boys were a bit intimidated by riding up the tram but once we got going everyone loved it.    The weather has been cold and finally started raining yesterday.  Steve has been helping out ALOT over the past few weeks watching the boys while Christopher and I work and travel.  

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Heading out with our pumpkin's to gather our loot.  Halloween has been a great day.  We started out with Tootsie Rolls for breakfast (I figure you either embrace the candy or fight it all day - since I love Chocolate - we embraced it!)  Ben celebrated all week at school with a week of Monster - silly monsters, stories about monsters, plays about monster!  Noah had a party on Friday afternoon and Ben helped hand out trinkets.  

Benjamin was a Blue Power Ranger and Noah was Monster Bash Noah (earlier he was Batman)!

The kids gathered a huge amount of candy but no Almond Joys!  UGH, lots of Snickers and gummy worms!

Ben's buddy William helped knocking on doors.

Noah practicing his monster roar!!  Happy Halloween to all!

Pumpkin Carving Party

the best pumpkin carving party yet!

We had our second annual Pumpkin Carving Party and it was a huge success.  About 60 people attended with 30 under 6 years of age which was lots of fun.  "Lovey the Clown" face painted everyone Spiderman to kitty cats!  The wax hands were a hit with the adults but a little "hot" for the kids.  

Carving started later into the night, I think the "Boo"zer's Brew got the creative juices flowing.

The kids had a blast just running around and getting the bad guys.

The best part was all of the cousin's were together - Tonia and Carrie came from the beach and Mom flew down from NY.

Noah and Daddy near the end of the night.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Little 5 Points Halloween Parade

Ok, Ben was not so hip on the scary bloody people but when the storm troopers and Darth Vadar came by, we had to jump in!!

Aunt Beth and our own Power Ranger!

Ben hid behind Grandpa Steve most of the time, not so sure about all this.

Grandpa even got into the fun!!!  Nice hair!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Columbus Day in Atlanta

Noah is sacked out after a weekend of fun and playing.  Fell asleep in the chair listening to NPR!
Noah was ordering up some pizza and ice cream!
Our day was spent having fun at Piedmont Park - the largest park in town.  They have a wonderful playground, riding trails and ducks in the lake "large pond".  
Benjamin is on two wheels and already jumping the curb and tearing up his knees.  Noah loves to be pushed on the scooter.
"Yeah, that is a big concrete pillar Mom - but I stopped just in time!"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Team

Christopher ran the 5k, Mark biked 12 miles (grueling hills) and Heather finished with the swim.  

Last Chance Triathlon

Christopher and Mark completed their first triathlon this past weekend.  With a time of 1:26 - they did GREAT!!  Benjamin giving Daddy a hug before the start.
Christopher started out in front of the pack.  He had a few costume malfunctions but finished with the pack.

The complete wardrobe change proved more difficult than expected, a few unsuspecting participants got an eye full.

Mark and Christopher were on a team but Chris decided to try to finish the course.  Mark had already left and was climbing the first of many hills.

Christopher finished leisurely with the backstroke.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fairy Houses

Benjamin and Noah noticed we had fairy's living in the big oak in front of our house.  Needless to say we built them a very nice house.

complete with 3 little beds, a table and 4 cereal bowls - and of course a soccer ball.

Ben decided they needed a Monster Truck and car next to the playground (aka rock).

Weekend fun

Orange Crush had an awesome game on Saturday, Benjamin scored two goal. Very impressive since he doesn't really like it when the other team chases him.
Big high five for Ben from the coach after making the goal. Ran it down the sideline then turned and did a little left foot goal kick!

I am home with Mom, have some mouth, foot, hand virus. Thank goodness for Grandma Robinson - she keeps me all cuddled.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Little Shop of Stories - Marc Brown

Benjamin's Pre-K class is fortunate to be so close to the Decatur Square. They walked to the Little Shop of Stories for a book reading and signing by Marc Brown and Judy Sierra. They were reading the book "Born to Read" (Wonderful book!). Marc Brown is the creator of the "Arthur". He drew many of the characters - including Arthur, DW and Francien. Ben is sitting next to Marc Brown holding the book. Great fun by his whole class - thanks Ms. Shewan for taking the kids!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Talk like a pirate day

Christopher found someone to talk like a pirate!!

More Fun

my future tattoo artist
Fun in the park

Playing drums with the Lewis'

Getting on board with the blog!!

We are finally joining the life of blogging! Some things you may want to know and others, maybe not! Ben and Noah are full of life and taking on the world one ball at a time. We just finished up baseball and now Ben and Christopher are taking on the world cup of soccer leagues as "orange crush". Noah thinks he is the biggest kid on the block and makes sure everyone knows it. Always ready to step in. Ben loves Pre-K and his teacher Ms. Shewan. He even wakes up on Saturday ready to go!

Oakhurst festival - riding the train around the parking lot - what fun!

Orange Crush soccer team

Ben, Noah and William at the Braves game