Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Little Shop of Stories - Marc Brown

Benjamin's Pre-K class is fortunate to be so close to the Decatur Square. They walked to the Little Shop of Stories for a book reading and signing by Marc Brown and Judy Sierra. They were reading the book "Born to Read" (Wonderful book!). Marc Brown is the creator of the "Arthur". He drew many of the characters - including Arthur, DW and Francien. Ben is sitting next to Marc Brown holding the book. Great fun by his whole class - thanks Ms. Shewan for taking the kids!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Talk like a pirate day

Christopher found someone to talk like a pirate!!

More Fun

my future tattoo artist
Fun in the park

Playing drums with the Lewis'

Getting on board with the blog!!

We are finally joining the life of blogging! Some things you may want to know and others, maybe not! Ben and Noah are full of life and taking on the world one ball at a time. We just finished up baseball and now Ben and Christopher are taking on the world cup of soccer leagues as "orange crush". Noah thinks he is the biggest kid on the block and makes sure everyone knows it. Always ready to step in. Ben loves Pre-K and his teacher Ms. Shewan. He even wakes up on Saturday ready to go!

Oakhurst festival - riding the train around the parking lot - what fun!

Orange Crush soccer team

Ben, Noah and William at the Braves game