Sunday, October 19, 2008

Little 5 Points Halloween Parade

Ok, Ben was not so hip on the scary bloody people but when the storm troopers and Darth Vadar came by, we had to jump in!!

Aunt Beth and our own Power Ranger!

Ben hid behind Grandpa Steve most of the time, not so sure about all this.

Grandpa even got into the fun!!!  Nice hair!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Columbus Day in Atlanta

Noah is sacked out after a weekend of fun and playing.  Fell asleep in the chair listening to NPR!
Noah was ordering up some pizza and ice cream!
Our day was spent having fun at Piedmont Park - the largest park in town.  They have a wonderful playground, riding trails and ducks in the lake "large pond".  
Benjamin is on two wheels and already jumping the curb and tearing up his knees.  Noah loves to be pushed on the scooter.
"Yeah, that is a big concrete pillar Mom - but I stopped just in time!"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Team

Christopher ran the 5k, Mark biked 12 miles (grueling hills) and Heather finished with the swim.  

Last Chance Triathlon

Christopher and Mark completed their first triathlon this past weekend.  With a time of 1:26 - they did GREAT!!  Benjamin giving Daddy a hug before the start.
Christopher started out in front of the pack.  He had a few costume malfunctions but finished with the pack.

The complete wardrobe change proved more difficult than expected, a few unsuspecting participants got an eye full.

Mark and Christopher were on a team but Chris decided to try to finish the course.  Mark had already left and was climbing the first of many hills.

Christopher finished leisurely with the backstroke.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Fairy Houses

Benjamin and Noah noticed we had fairy's living in the big oak in front of our house.  Needless to say we built them a very nice house.

complete with 3 little beds, a table and 4 cereal bowls - and of course a soccer ball.

Ben decided they needed a Monster Truck and car next to the playground (aka rock).

Weekend fun

Orange Crush had an awesome game on Saturday, Benjamin scored two goal. Very impressive since he doesn't really like it when the other team chases him.
Big high five for Ben from the coach after making the goal. Ran it down the sideline then turned and did a little left foot goal kick!

I am home with Mom, have some mouth, foot, hand virus. Thank goodness for Grandma Robinson - she keeps me all cuddled.